Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Fooling Around @ Sunway =)

snap inside the LADIES >< haha

me & vicky

teehee =)

three of us waiting Christine

Weeeee ...

Drinking @ Overtime

Cocktail / beer
Long island iced tea
Sexy on the beach

Atmosphere ~
so so only , less ppl .. but the band is not bad =)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dinner @ Luna Bar

Tonight it's tonight ,celebration for founded a new job .. yippie yippie ~
F&B ~
ceaser salad
wild mushroom soup
chicken chop
bake cod fish
chocolate n'cream delight ice-cream

Atmosphere ~
Nice ( * wink wink * )

Thanks Ronnie for treated me ~



Lan Kwai Fong

♥ Me Gusta ♥

Saturday, November 26, 2011






Ichiban Boshi

Chilling after shopping .. yummy yummy =)

Friday, November 25, 2011

Alor Street

After watched movie plan to have supper at Alor Street ..
sambal sotong
kangkong fried belacan
sambal fish
beer ( Carlsberg )

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Sing K session =)

After drinking , three of us decide went to sing K at NEWAY Leisure Mall till 4a.m morning >< tired tired but felt happy and no pressure .. enjoy till the max =)

♥ The Day with ME ♥

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is bliss, taste it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.
"Be glad of  life, because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars."

Sunday, November 20, 2011



The Geographer Night

sorry guys didn't took pic with u all ya ..

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Bii - Baby I Love You

Baby I love you
Baby I miss you
路上的人滿街遊蕩 我的心卻擠滿空曠
想把從前當做永恆 想看你美麗的臉

放在桌上紅色相框 是我們關不上的窗
我用受了傷的目光 只能和幸福對望

Baby I love you
Baby I miss you

Baby I love you
Baby I miss you

Baby I love you
Baby I miss you
Baby I love you
Baby I miss you



Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Sometimes , I get jealous thinking that someone else could make u happier than i could .. I guess is my insecurities acting up , because i know i'm not the prettiest , smartest , or most fun and exciting .. But I do know no matter how hard and long you look , you'll never find somebody that LOVES you like I DO .. I LOVE YOU

I Love U

The shortest word I know is “I”.
The sweetest word I know is “Love”.
And the person I never forget is “You” ♥

(none makeup)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


‎ 很多人都说:我不知道我自己想要什么。其实这句话的真正含义是:我没有勇气面对和足够的努力去争取我想要的。


她很想陪著你 即使是在網上,一句話都不說。你開心的時候,她很想在你身邊看到你微笑的樣子。你失落的時候,她第一時間在你旁邊安慰你,想破腦袋想幫你,你知道嘛?她熬到那麼晚只是在等你。

 懂事 知道什麼時候該撒嬌,什麼時候該像愛小孩子一樣疼惜你。如果你是個學生,她不會任性地要求你蹺課陪她逛街,不會讓沒有經濟來源的你買奢侈品。如果你已經在 工作,他不會埋怨你忘記打電話給她,不會在你工作心煩的時候要你甜言蜜語,即使自己心⋯⋯情再不好,也會輕輕擁著你,始終站在你這邊。

 不放過任何與你有關的訊息 融入你的生活圈,朋友圈。結識你的朋友,看你喜歡的電影和書,去你喜歡的餐廳,甚至笨拙地模仿你欣 賞的異性類型。他不是不夠好,而是想變的更好,更適合你,更容易得到你的許可和讚許。

.覺得你是最好的 她絕不會在你同事同學家人面前………
提你的缺點,嘲笑你,哪怕只是玩笑。她可能覺得你這樣做那樣做不對,但會給足你男人需要的面子,幫你打圓場,幫你找臺階下, 只說你的好。

 有限地依賴你 她需要你的肩膀,但是絕不會凡事都依賴你。他在你面前很弱勢,常常需要你來把持局面。不是她笨,只是喜歡在你面前裝傻,喜歡被你照顧。但他不會粘著你,把 你當保母。

在乎你 她發給你的短信幾乎不會有錯字,不會有歧義。她很注重跟你在一起時的一切細節,連發消息之前都會反覆確認好幾遍,措辭,語氣,甚至表情。

漂亮但不輕浮 她和你朋友聚會的時候會打扮的漂亮但不會妖艷,只會在你面前偶爾穿很火辣的衣服。她永遠會把你與其它男生區分對待,而不是孔雀開屏般像所有人展示美麗。

認定你 她也許會有很多異性朋友,也許不乏追求者,但是她會明確告訴他們她喜歡的是你,而且不會拿這些人的優點跟你作比較。她會時不時告訴你誰誰誰要追她,看到你緊張的樣子,會很滿足的加一句,我心裡只有你一個,不是她無聊,她很需要被重視。

懂你,理解你,支持你 她會很認真很專注地看著你,聽你說話。看清你的樣子,記住你的聲音。她不僅愛你,也懂你並欣賞你。

Monday, November 14, 2011


Who willing do this with me ??? =P

Beer Time ( upset )

I want drunk badly , but i don't ...

The adventure of TIN TIN

This movie very bored ><

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Love isn't perfect

It isn't a fairytale or a storybook , It doesn't always come easy .. Love is overcoming obstacles , facing challenges , fighting to be together , holding on and never letting go .. It is a short word , easy to spell ,difficult to define , and impossible to live without .. Love is work , but most of all love is realizing that every hour , every minute , every second of it was worth it because you did it "TOGETHER"

Saturday, November 12, 2011





Friday, November 11, 2011


Thursday, November 10, 2011


直到我的心情真的好起来...❤ 只要你抱紧我 .. 我的心就 .... =)  


Me and You

The best relationships are when you can lay with each other and just talk, about anything and everything .. Just me and you =)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


.............................................................. stressfull city .............................................................

Taking picture with you ( our sweet memories )

Taking picture with you , our sweet sweet memories , all the things we did , our conversation , our laugh , sad .. But no matter how hard v been get through all this stuff it will gets better when the moment i have with you .. And this is all what you told me , when i'm not happy u will said " Bii don't scared coz i'm always stayed beside you " , don't know u still remember or not ??Although is just a brief between me & you , i'm still appreciate it .. hehe =) No matter what will happens at the next all this memories will keep inside deep deep in my heart .. I've just wanted a day where we take picture with each other .. Just capture the memories with each other , have a fun day , and just remember what we did on that day .. I just want pictures to just reminisce everything we did together like u fetched me with your bike,car and i'm sitting in front u , eating together , playing badminton together , playing PS game together , and hugging each other until fall asleep .. When we're out of film or even memory in our camera .. I just want to print them out start to make a scrapbook of each other .. ( And this is what you told me when i'm at your room ) " u said v took a lot a lot of pic and make a scrapbook " wee =) All i want is for us to take picture and simply capture the great moments we have each other .. I do want to remember you for a long time and just want to remember who you are in my life ~~ END

our 1st pic

Her + Him

Lying on the bed

Snap it when playing badminton ( chubby )

Our beverage

before hair cut ( so long + noob ) hehe
After hair cut ( yeng + macho ) hehe

pout =P

pout with ( each other )

smiley face + kiss

kissing with ( each other )

enjoying faces =)

happiness faces

blek =P

aww =D

yeah !!

say cheese ^_^

yiiiii xD



look innocent

=P =P